How NOT to create projects with Jetpack Compose using Android Studio
Image by Yvett -

How NOT to create projects with Jetpack Compose using Android Studio

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Are you tired of following tutorials and still ending up with a Jetpack Compose project that looks like a mess? Do you want to avoid the common pitfalls that can turn your Android app development experience into a nightmare? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll show you how NOT to create projects with Jetpack Compose using Android Studio, so you can learn from others’ mistakes and create stunning, functional apps that will make your users swoon.

Mistake #1: Ignoring the Basics of Jetpack Compose

Before you start building your project, it’s essential to understand the fundamentals of Jetpack Compose. Don’t assume that you can learn as you go; trust us, you’ll end up with a mess on your hands. Take the time to learn about:

  • Declarative UI programming
  • Composable functions
  • STATE, Props, and Effects
  • Data binding and observer pattern

Brush up on your Kotlin skills, and make sure you’re familiar with Android Architecture Components. Yes, it’s a lot to learn, but skipping this step will lead to:

        // Chaotic code with no clear separation of concerns
        // Repeated code with no abstraction
        // Performance issues due to poor data handling

Mistake #2: Not Setting Up Your Project Structure Properly

A well-organized project structure is the backbone of a successful Jetpack Compose project. Don’t fall into the trap of:

  • Throwing all your composable functions into one file (hello, spaghetti code!)
  • Ignoring the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern
  • Not separating concerns with clear folders and subfolders

Instead, create a clean and modular structure with:

        // Features
        // Models
        // Repositories
        // ViewModels
        // Composables
        // Themes

This will help you maintain your codebase, make it easier to debug, and scale your project efficiently.

Mistake #3: Not Using Jetpack Compose’s Built-in Features

Jetpack Compose provides an arsenal of built-in features to make your life easier. Don’t:

  • Roll your own UI components from scratch
  • Implement custom layout logic when there’s a built-in solution
  • Ignore Material Design guidelines and principles

Instead, take advantage of:

        // Material Design System components
        // Compose UI layouts (Row, Column, Box, etc.)
        // Compose UI state management (remember, rememberSaveable, etc.)

These features will save you time, reduce code duplication, and ensure consistency across your app.

Mistake #4: Not Testing Your Composables

Testing is crucial in any software development project, and Jetpack Compose is no exception. Don’t:

  • Assume your composable functions will work as expected
  • Skip writing unit tests for your composable functions
  • Neglect integration tests for your app’s UI

Instead, write comprehensive tests for your composable functions using:

        // JUnit
        // AndroidX Test
        // UI Automator

This will help you catch bugs early, ensure your app behaves as expected, and reduce the risk of shipping a broken app.

Mistake #5: Not Considering Performance Optimization

Performance optimization is critical for a smooth user experience. Don’t:

  • Ignore optimization techniques for your composable functions
  • Use unnecessary computationally expensive operations
  • Neglect to profile and debug your app’s performance

Instead, follow best practices for performance optimization, such as:

        // Using remember to memoize computationally expensive operations
        // Optimizing composable function re-renders
        // Profiling and debugging with Android Studio's tools

By avoiding these common mistakes, you’ll be well on your way to creating stunning, high-performance Jetpack Compose projects that delight your users.


Creating a Jetpack Compose project with Android Studio can be a daunting task, especially for beginners. By learning from others’ mistakes and following best practices, you can avoid common pitfalls and create a scalable, maintainable, and performant app. Remember to:

  1. Learn the basics of Jetpack Compose and Android Architecture Components
  2. Set up a clean and modular project structure
  3. Take advantage of Jetpack Compose’s built-in features
  4. Write comprehensive tests for your composable functions
  5. Consider performance optimization techniques

By following these guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to creating stunning, functional apps that will make your users swoon. Happy coding!

Jetpack Compose Feature How NOT to Use It Best Practice
Declarative UI programming Write imperative code with no clear separation of concerns Use composable functions to declare your UI
Material Design System components Roll your own UI components from scratch Use built-in Material Design components
Unit testing Skip writing unit tests for your composable functions Write comprehensive unit tests for your composable functions
Performance optimization Ignore optimization techniques for your composable functions Use remember to memoize computationally expensive operations

Now, go forth and create amazing Jetpack Compose projects that will make the Android community proud!

Frequently Asked Question

Want to know the top mistakes to avoid when creating projects with Jetpack Compose using Android Studio? Look no further!

What’s the biggest no-no when starting a new Compose project?

Not updating your Android Studio to the latest version! Compose requires a minimum of Android Studio 4.2, so make sure you’re running the latest and greatest before diving in.

Why is my Compose project not compiling?

Chances are you forgot to add the necessary Compose dependencies to your build.gradle file! Double-check you have the correct versions of compose.ui, compose.material, and in your dependencies.

What’s the deal with Compose previews not showing up in Android Studio?

Compose previews need a special setting to function properly! Make sure you’ve enabled “Show Layout Editor” in your Android Studio preferences, and that you’re running the correct version of the Layout Editor.

Why is my Compose UI not updating when I make changes?

Did you remember to invalidate your caches and restart Android Studio? This simple trick often solves the most frustrating UI update issues!

Can I use Jetpack Compose with my existing Android project?

Yes, you can! But, be prepared to refactor your code to adapt to Compose’s declarative programming model. It might require some effort, but it’ll be worth it in the end.

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